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Anyway, the record dry spell had creeks nearly dry and the coho that were in them were freaked out and unwilling to cooperate on a regular basis. The most reliable fishing was in the channel where a solid run has been going on all month. It has been very day-to-day on whether the fish were in the mood to grab, but anglers showing persistance were generally rewarded.

Now that it is raining again, cohos that had been hunkered down are on the move in a big way.  Reports of pools filling with fish and then an hour later emptying as the fish bolted upstream have been coming in.This weekend and next week will take some searching to find out where these fish decide to hold. Cowee and Montana will continue to be good bets.

We'll have to wait and see on the channel. A lot of the fish in the Lemon Creek area may decide to push across the bar and bee line for the hatchery. Hopefully there is another wave behind them to fill back in.

Time is getting short so get out and hit it!  Brad